November 20th, 2020
skyscraper 2020presentations
Aeronautics |Aeronautics
UTM for Urban Air Mobility

Amit Ganjoo, Founder and CEO - ANRA Technologies
Greg Dyer: Excellent beginning framework! What happens when vehicle falls out of tolerance per the conformance monitoring? How does that layer re-establish a new trajectory? What happens when the destination is unavailable when it was planned to be available?
Amit Ganjoo: There are a lot of considerations that need to be factored in here. For example, what was the reason for the vehicle to fall out of conformance. The reason(s) will help dictate what corrective actions are put in place ranging from dynamic rerouting, to no fly constraint or alert area creation.
If the destination is unavailable, just like an alternate airport for manned aircraft, alternate landing destinations can be identified leveraging onboard sensors in combination with ground based decision support systems.
Urban Air Traffic Management (UATM)

David Rottblatt, Urban Air Traffic Management Project Leader - EmbraerX / VicePresident of Business Development, EVE
Advanced Air Mobility: An Eye Toward Seamless Integration

Jennifer Richter, Partner, Leader of Communications, IT & Advanced Aviation Practice - Akin Gump
Justin Towles, Senior Policy Advisor - Akin Gump
Clifford Sewatte, Senior Policy Advisor - Akin Gump
The Advanced Air Mobility Hard Problem

Michael Siracuse, Founder - Vayus Aero
Greg Dyer: Excellent beginning framework! What happens when vehicle falls out of tolerance per the conformance monitoring? How does that layer re-establish a new trajectory? What happens when the destination is unavailable when it was planned to be available?
Michael Siracuse: The AAM Hard Problem (Requirements) demands hard questions so thank you for yours.
Dynamic Airspace Management is a primary UML-5/6 goal. The system requires DAM for the execution of system operations at three levels (strategic, operational & functional). As broached in the question conformance monitoring is critical to in-time decisions, system efficacy & value. Along with all flow management, flight authority (remote id), DAM, & all information exchange.
My experience has taught me that the container for the above is airspace & procedural design. As a general assumption at this crawl stage I believe we shouldn't expect exact answers to all questions regarding requirements for communication, navigation & surveillance capabilities in support of AAM/UAM/UTM operations. The early focus should be on classifying the degree of risk involved with integrating a critical characteristic of AAM CNS at scale, such as wx info.
Weather because it is the major constraint & system design should be predicated on constraint negotiation in order to meet all competing demands & there are a full host of them. To answer your question more specifically I would like to open up a discussion regarding the Trajectory Based UAM Operations Simulator (TUS) at University Sao Paulo. They appear to be in your wheelhouse. I’m also familiar with some work the US FAA commissioned looking at TBO for UAM based on NEXTGEN journeys and there have been plenty of those over twenty-years.
My focus is UML-0 at this point. Define a hard problem and then establish what is critical to every C2 system: an operational semantic. On that note I will sign off with a proposal for CNS.
CNS encompasses elements of a regional operations & learning system associated with real-time acquisition & distribution of relevant information on aircraft physics & position, remote identification, weather, system status, noise, localized integration & constraints.
Greg Williams: Well done, Michael Siracuse. Information packed yet succinct.
Michael Siracuse: AAM Hard Problem: Part II:
Michael Siracuse: AAM Hard Problem: Part III:
Michael Siracuse: AAM Hard Problem: Part IV:
Implementation |Implementation
Latin America, a Strong Potential Market for UAM

Andrew Cummins, Director Americas - Skyports
Jason Pritchard: I really enjoyed your presentation, Andrew. You and the rest of the Skyports team are doing a fantastic job and I look forward to following your progress. I thought the graph showing the under investment of infrastructure was fascinating as without it, there won't be anywhere for eVTOL aircraft to land. Why do think this important area of the ecosystem is lagging behind others, and what needs to be done to ensure it doesn't get left behind? Thank you in advance!
Andrew Cummins: Thank you for the question, Jason. Ultimately, the industry is very much driven by the development and certification of safe, efficient air vehicles and their component technologies. So, in the initial years, investment and development of the air vehicles has rightly been the focus of capital injection. Now that air vehicle development has progressed significantly, that has provided confidence to other areas of the value chain to ramp up activity to enable the investment in air vehicles. Skyports is laser focused on unlocking the infrastructure challenge in markets around the world. Infrastructure can take many years to build a network of landing sites, so we are working hard every day with our public and private partners to bring vertiports to market. We want to ensure we do not create a latent demand situation where the air vehicles are certified and ready for operation but they don’t have any landing facilities!
New Training for UAM Air Vehicle Operators

Mikhail Klassen, Chief Technology Officer - Paladin AI
Capabilities of the Colombian Aeronautics Industry

Gustavo Saavedra Martinez (Colombian Air Force Active Reserve), Director Industry Strategic Relations Office, CIAC
Tailoring UAM Air Vehicles to Latin America

Sergio Cecutta, Partner - SMG Consulting
7 Key Success Factors for Urban Air Mobility in Latin America

Gary Vermaak - AirTaxi Now
eVTOLs for Medellin

Mykhaylo Filipenko, Urban Air Mobility Advisor
Business Case |Business Case
Urban Air Mobility: An Overview

Shawn Kimmel, Director of Engineering and Transportation - Quantitative Scientific Solutions QS-2
Chris Fernando, Principal for Aviation - Quantitative Scientific Solutions QS-2
Colleen Reiche PhD, Lead Scientist - Quantitative Scientific Solutions QS-2
Jeremiah Robertson, Associate Engineer - Quantitative Scientific Solutions QS-2
Investment Opportunities in Advanced Aerial Mobility

Peter Shannon, Investor in Advanced Aerial Mobility - Radius Capital
The Vancouver UAM Business Case

Michael J. Dyment, Managing Partner - Nexa Capital Partners
A View into the Canadian UAM Ecosystem

JR Hammond, Founder & CEO - Canadian Advanced Air Mobility Consortium
Mobility |Mobility
An Urban Transport Perspective of UAM

Carlos Pardo, Senior Advisor - New Urban Mobility Alliance NUMO
UAM Ecosystem in Italy

Domenico Gagliardi, Founder - Walle Mobility
Marco Pugliese, Institutional Relations - Walle Mobility
Accompanying City Megatrend Transformation

Alejandro Olier, Manager of Mobility Portfolio - SURA
Lorena Rios, Director of Mobility Solutions - SURA
UAM Community |UAM Community
A Novel Platform to Foster Public Education About UAM

Mariya Tarabanovska, Co-Founder - Flight Crowd
Robin Brownsell. Hello Mariya. Thank you for your very informative presentation about the opportunities for UAM in Latin America. I can definitely see the potential benefits for improving mobility across different and often difficult terrains .
My question is in an era of new breeds of mobility coming forward how important do you see local political support. For example I have recently heard that the City of Paris has ambitions to showcase itself as a leader in UAM. As a very dense urban environment do you think this biggest challenge might be public acceptance- as you mentioned . And how would you approach winning hearts and minds ? regards, Robin.
Mariya Tarabanovska: Dear Robin, thank you very much for your interest in Flight Crowd and indeed your excellent question! I believe all stakeholders (from vehicle developers, to regulators, to infrastructure developers to indeed the end user – the public) have an important role to play! Having said, so, however, there is definitely a need for someone to lead the way, to organise and unite everyone within the industry. We need a leader who has ways of interacting with, as well as influencing, all parties that form this ecosystem and in my view, the government (local, national and international) is perhaps best positioned to be that glue holding everything together, that mechanism helping different parts to interlock. There are a number of fantastic players in this industry, yet I think the government is best placed to offer the kind of support, advice, feedback and facilitation that the industry needs to make this future we are all dreaming of a glorious reality!
Public acceptance was and still remains to be one of the greatest challenges the industry is facing! I would love to tell you that Flight Crowd knows all the answers and has a detailed plan of how to engage and convert all members of the global community to not only be interested to learn more, but to be indeed keen to take part in this exciting journey and wanting to commit changing the ways we see mobility once and for all! If I am honest, however, it would take a number of organisations all working together to shape public perception, to win public’s minds and hearts and this is precisely why we wish to bridge the gap between the UAM industry and the public and are always open for collaboration. I believe a complex approach is necessary – the governments should (and already are) starting a number of initiatives to support the industry, the regulatory bodies are already looking to shape the skies of tomorrow and the vehicle manufacturers are certainly making a great progress with the technology they are developing! This is all nice and fascinating but...
We need to start engaging with the public (almost?) at every step we take as an industry. We need to create focus groups to gather feedback and ideas, have technology demonstrators more often shown to the society, start incorporating UAM and drones into our education and extra-curricular activities, have further collaboration with academia, let media and film industry tell positive stories about the future flight technologies and so much more... The road ahead isn’t an easy one but I assure you, the industry will get there, and Flight Crowd is committed to do everything to ensure the young professionals are ready to build this future with us together and as many members of the public are informed, comfortable and confident about the idea of mass-scale UAM implementation possible! I won’t tell you what exactly we are planning for our future events and engagements, however please stay in touch as we are keen to never stop surprising our community and growing together!
Integration of the 3rd Dimension

Anna Mracek Dietrich, Co Executive Director - Community Air Mobility Initiative CAMI
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The Skyscraper 2020 Virtual Summit and 2020 Think Tanks have been organized by Varon Vehicles Corporation to encourage interdisciplinary conversation, the sharing of information, industry innovation, and ease of collaboration. Varon Vehicles Corporation is providing these events at no charge to Participants and Visitors.
Skyscraper 2020 is a production of Varon Vehicles Corporation. All rights reserved.